Weather in different parts of Thailand

In Thailand you can enjoy excellent weather throughout the year and that’s why the tourism is very high in this city. In central Thailand and the eastern provinces, hot summer weather starts around March and goes on to around June. At this time the temperature can go up to 41 degree Celsius. November to February month can be marked as the winter season. But there are only few days which can be genuinely noted as cold days. The weather remains the same till the New Year. Visitors from Europe and other cool countries feel somewhat hot even in winter season in Thailand. The rainy season comes at the end of May and goes on until October. The rain is sometimes fierce and also frequent. The rain lasts for at least thirty minutes.

Southern Thailand’s seasons are less distinct. There are only two proper seasons and these are summer and the rainy season. The Andaman Sea lies to the west of Thai peninsula while the Gulf of Thailand lies to the east side. The places such as Nga, Phuket, Krabia and Phang are best visited between November and April. In these areas monsoon occurs in other months. The rainy seasons should be avoided while visiting these islands as boat riding is really dangerous at this time. The areas placed at east peninsula i.e. Hat Yai and Koh Samui are best visited during the months of November to May. The Gulf of Thailand can be visited throughout the year but you should check current weather status to avoid rain. In order to visit both the coast November to April is the best season.

Northern Thailand and the Northeast have the same basic seasons as those in the central and eastern regions. The winters are cooler and mountainous regions can get particularly cold. Sometimes the temperature becomes zero degrees centigrade. Winter starts in November and goes on to February. So, this season is the best to visit Northeast and Northern Thailand. The scenery becomes extremely beautiful when flowers bloom. In the month of April, though it is hot, you can enjoy Songkran festival where Thai people will throw water on you. But in case you don’t like to get wet don’t visit the country at that period.

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